1 min readSep 17, 2020


Improve Your Shot

Hey… you’re in the game now. This isn’t your first season. Not a rookie by any means. More is expected of you from yourself and from others. The truth is you have championship goals and you know it. The truth is you want to play the game and you want to win. The truth is you want work at it everyday. Okay cool, time for some refinement. You show up, but are you present? Are you thinking critically? Are you actively trying to fit different puzzle pieces? Are you meticulous enough to have a strategy? Is the strategy around your decisions reflecting that of a champion? I’ll offer you this. Read that article and relate it to a past experience. Listen to the audiobook for keys. Understand the landscape, respect the landscape (know the rules), know the players in the league, send another email, comb through thoughts that race through your mind, ask another question. All the greats study the intricacies of the game. All the greats improve on their own game.

Improve. Your. Shot.

