3 min readNov 14, 2020

Gold Standard

Lebron, Kobe, MJ, Cristiano, Messi, Brady, Bezos, Musk, Jobs

So you want to be like the men above. Are you ready to work for it?

Most times people say they want to be the best but they refrain from doing the necessary work. What is that work? Some might ask. To me, that work means starting with the nontangibles. Not waking up early or not the hours you put in. Those are inevitable if you want to be the best. Starting from being hyperaware of your thoughts, actions, and reactions. For you to get to the trophies, MVP’s, Exits. Wins. You have to know yourself and be very in tune.

Removing yourself

“I always feel like I can do anything. That’s the main thing people are controlled by, their perception of themselves. They’re slowed down by the perception of themselves. If you’re taught you can’t do anything you won’t do anything.” — Kanye West

What do you have to lose if you take that chance? If you don’t take it you’ll be right where you are right now. If you do take it and the shot goes in you’ve opened a new portal of possibilities with a higher chance of unlocking brand new experiences. If you do take it and things don’t go as planned then you’ll probably end up learning from that experience and muster up more confidence to try again. Regardless. I think the best lesson here is that we need to be aware of when we tell ourselves no before others get the chance too. Self-sabotage is easy. It keeps us from doing the scary thing. Keeps us comfortable. Take the chance and put yourself out there even if it means that you ask for assistance. Maybe you’re in a new realm and it feels like you’re trying to navigate through extremely thick fog. Remove the ego and get creative, schedule a meeting, follow up, push the envelope, learn all the things you previously knew nothing about. New information leads to new solutions. You are worthy of the shot and you can perform at a high level.


How well do you control your inputs? For example. The kid who says he wants to be a basketball star but practices only when his team does. Does he really want to win? Or does the kid who shows up an hour before practice, stays an hour later after practice, watches film on his downtime, practices on his own. Follows mostly basketball drills, workouts, players from all different leagues on social media, and goes over the playbook countless times have a better chance? I’d say the kid that re-engineered his inputs has a better chance because he’s controlling his subconscious to always be thinking about the game. Come game time things will look like second nature “instinct”. When in reality the kid literally switched all of his inputs to take in his desired sport on all different levels.